Photo by Kaja Kadlecova on Unsplash
Yesterday, I said I'll start writing today.
Hello Today, Yesterday's promise.
I've struggled with a lot of things in my life, some of which I've managed to overcome and others I'm still fighting it out.
Commitment and Consistency are among the battles I'm actively fighting, I want to do something, I know I need to get something done but struggle wit starting it. It's either I can't get myself to start or when I finally get myself to start I don't see to its end. So, yes, I struggle with starting and finishing ( Call me Darwin Nunez).
I've tried starting a lot of things and have given up on a lot more.
It is harder to be consistent and committed when you struggle to focus on anything. I noticed how hard it's been to live and do anything with this problem. How I can't enjoy movies or music because I can't start only one album or movie and see to the end, I must start 3 or 4 others at the same time and then I try to juggle all of them and end up not finishing any. It went unnoticed for so long till I needed to do things that required 100% focus and I was hit with the bitter realization of my struggle with focusing.
Everytime I read about young people breaking grounds in different careers I get motivated to hyped up and then just as I close whatever device I was reading that on, the motivation dies off.
Yesterday, I said I'll do better Today, I said I'll start afresh Today.
So, Today, I'm writing this like I said I'd yesterday and I'll write more and code more, yes I started learning how to code as well to learn how to focus. I've learnt HTML, CSS, some of Javascript and React and I hope to dive deeper.
Hello Yesterday, I did it...